Sunday, March 24, 2013

Solidarity, Quebec politics and Québec solidaire – a presentation by Amir Khadir

Amir Khadir, one of Québec solidaire’s two deputies in Quebec’s National Assembly, was guest speaker at this year’s Phyllis Clarke Memorial Lecture in Toronto. It was a rare opportunity for an Anglophone audience to hear a presentation by a leader of Quebec’s pro-independence party of the left.

Amir’s lecture was addressed primarily to outlining QS’s approach to international solidarity in the face of neoliberalism and capitalist globalization. In the wide-ranging discussion period that followed, he spoke about the Quebec student movement, the relation between class and national questions, the aboriginal movement, the environment, how Québec solidaire sees the relation between electoral and mass action, and other topics, including some final remarks about Paul Rose’s contribution to building the left in Quebec.

Thanks to Pance Stojkovski and Left Streamed for this video presentation. Click on the link below.